Picture Books Curriculum


Buses are a daily means of transport that children are familiar with. That’s why the Chinese picture book “The Bus Departs!” (literal translation) is selected as a learning theme. In the story, the main character Bobby comes across bus stop signs of different shapes and animal-shaped buses of different kinds on his way to finding his own bus. Along with storytelling, teachers use open-ended questions to stimulate children’s curiosity. Coupled with the decorative classroom corner, extended activities, and sharing and research activities, children are involved in a series of learning experiences that enable them to find answers to their questions on their own, e.g., exploration, problem-solving, thinking, communication, group work and language expression.


In another Chinese picture book about baking, the baker Fox and its assistant Little Mouse bake different types of bread early in the morning every day. They then give this delicious and unique bread to customers with different needs. It is a story about helping others and creativity. Through storytelling and asking open-ended questions, coupled with the decorative classroom corner and different extended learning activities, teachers are able to develop children’s empathy, creativity, collaborative skills and problem-solving skills.